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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Backache is one of the most common medical complaints, particularly among adults. Backache usually refers to pain in your muscles, intervertebral joints, spinal nerves, or sometimes bone-on-bone pain. The type of pain you are having can help your physician pinpoint the cause. Backache can be categorized as acute or chronic. Acute pain is often temporary and can improve on its own, frequently without treatment or with the assistance of a mild pain relieving medication. Acute backache usually lasts anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks. Chronic back pain is more long-term and can extend beyond several months. The pain can often be progressive, getting worse over time.
Rhustox is best suited for treating back pain. Symptoms that indicate this remedy are the back pain arising from muscle strain due to overstraining or overstretching or from lifting heavy weight. Pain worsens with rest while the person feels relief from walking or motion. In such cases where the back pain gets better with hard pressure, Rhus Tox is the appropriate choice of remedy.
Bryonia is effective for backache which worsens with motion. In some cases, back pain gets worse by walking and feeling relief by taking rest. est. This natural homeopathic remedy is also the most suitable remedy for treating back pain that becomes more severe with stooping and standing.
Aesculus is effective for backache that affects the sacrum region. In this case, pain may extend to the hip along with the sacrum back. pain increases by walking and stooping. in some cases, for patients needing this homeopathic remedy, rising from a sitting position is a challenge. Another symptom intense stiffness is observed in the sacrum and hip region along with the pain.
Kali carb is effective for backache in women after childbirth. In such cases, pain may get worse on walking and there is a need to stop and take rest before starting to walk again. The patient has a desire to lie down for relief from back pain. Other symptoms like stiffness or excessive weakness in the back may also cause the pain. This homeopathic remedy is also useful for back pain in women during menses or after a miscarriage.
Cimicifuga is effective for backache in the case of cervical in the neck region along with symptoms like pain, sensitivity in the neck, and worsening of pain from pressure. Other symptoms that may accompany this are the spine being very sensitive, especially the upper part, stiffness, and contraction in the neck and back. There are rheumatic pains in the muscles of the back and neck that are well indicated in this remedy. Along with these other symptoms is pain in the lumbar and sacral region, down the thighs, and through the hips.
Guaicum is effective for backache in the case of cervical neck region along with symptoms are stiffness in the cervical back and shoulders, and aching pain in the neck. Along with these other symptoms that indicated this remedy is pain from head to neck, aching in the nape, stiff neck, and sore shoulders, stitches between scapulæ to occiput, and contractive pain between scapulae.
Arnica is effective for back pain arising from falls and blows – of both recent and remote origin. The patient needed this remedy and has sore, bruised pain in the back after being beaten. This pain may be attended to lameness in the back. Other symptoms that indicated this remedy are sprained and dislocated feeling, soreness after overexertion, everything on which the patient lies seeming too hard, deathly coldness of forearm, inability to walk erect, on account of bruised pain in the pelvic region, and rheumatism begins low down and works up.
Hypericum is effective for back pain arising from injury along with symptoms like pain in the back with extreme sensitivity which makes it impossible to walk or stoop. This remedy is the most significant medicine for coccyx pain (coccydynia) arising from a fall over the coccyx. Other symptoms that may indicate this remedy are pain in the nape of the neck, pressure over the sacrum, spinal concussion, coccyx injury from a fall, with pain radiating up the spine and down limbs, and Jerking and twitching of muscles.
Cobaltum is drug of choice for back pain that worsens in the sitting position. The pain usually radiates from the lower back down the legs and feet. The patient feels weakness in the legs and walking may relieve the back pain. Along with these symptoms, other symptoms like pain in the back and sacrum that is worse while sitting and better from walking or lying, weakness in legs, and backache after emissions are well indicated by this remedy.
Phosphorus is effective for back pain that worsens in the sitting position. The patient may feel weakness in the back. A burning sensation in the spine is another feature that may occur. Other symptoms that indicated this remedy are burning in the back, pain as if broken, the heat between the shoulder blades, and a weak spine.
Back pain radiating down the leg colocynth is drug of choice. This remedy is helpful for back pain radiating down the limbs on the left side. The person needing this remedy may get relief from pressure. The pain can be tearing or drawing in nature.
Mag phos is for lower back pain that radiates down the right lower limb. The pain can vary from sharp, shooting, lightning-like, or cramping in nature. The patient gets relief from warm applications.
Kalmia is effective for cervical back pain radiating down the arms or hands. This remedy is best suited when radiating pain is accompanied by weakness, tingling, or numbness in the arm or hands. Other symptoms that well indicate this remedy are pain from the neck down the arm that is in the upper three dorsal vertebrae extending to the shoulder blade, pain down back in localized regions of the spine through shoulders as if it would break and lumbar pains of nervous origin.
Paris quadrifolia is effective for cervical back pain radiating down the arms or hands when the patient feels the sensation of weight in the neck, worsening of symptoms from exertion (either mental/physical), and numbness in fingers. Neuralgia, beginning in the left intercostal region and extending into the left arm. The arm becomes stiff, fingers clenched. Neuralgia of coccyx; pulsating, sticking, when sitting. Fingers often feel numb. Numbness of upper limbs. Everything feels rough.
Sulphur is for back pain due to a slouching posture and the pain worsens when the patient stands up. Along with these, other symptoms like drawing pain between shoulders, stiffness of nape, and sensation as if vertebra glided over each other.
Ruta is effective for back pain when patient experiences stiffnss in joint or muscles, accompanied with feeling of soreness and lameness all over the back. Other symptoms are pain in nape, back and loins. Backache gets better from pressure and lying on back.
When a patient experiences stiffness in joints or muscles, accompanied by a feeling of soreness and lameness all over the back Nux vomica could be thought off. Other symptoms are pain in the nape, back, and loins. The backache gets better from pressure and lying on the back. Other symptoms that indicate this remedy are backache in the lumbar region, burning in the spine that worse between 3 to 4 a.m., must situp to turn in bed, bruised pain below the scapulae, and sitting pain.
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.