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Compulsive Sexual Disorder In Female

Compulsive Sexual Disorder / Increased Desire / Nymphomania in Females

स्त्रियों में सेक्स की अत्यधिक इच्छा को कम करने का होम्योपैथिक उपचार

Compulsive Sexual DisorderTop Probable Natural homeopathic remedies with symptoms

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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)


Sexually compulsive/addictive disorder is a pattern of sexual behaviors that cause distress and/or impairment of social functioning. It is marked by obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, and the individual’s inability to stop the behaviors despite negative consequences. Women experiencing sexually compulsive/addictive behavior are preoccupied with sex not as a response to desire but rather as a behavior that serves the purpose of anxiety reduction. Sexually compulsive/addictive behavior is associated with a number of health consequences, including sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and violence. It is important for providers to have an understanding of the addiction process, assessment, diagnosis, and interventions for these women.

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Top Natural Probable Homeopathic Remedies To Get Rid Of Compulsive Sexual Disorder In Female

Platinum Metallicum – Best Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania especially in lying-in-women (after delivery) or during pregnancy. Parts hypersensitive. Tingling internally and externally. Ovaries sensitive and burn. Menses too early, too profuse, dark-clotted, with spasms and painful bearing-down, chilliness, and sensitiveness of parts. Vaginismus. Nymphomania. Excessive sexual development; vaginismus. Pruritus vulvæ. Ovaritis with sterility. Abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia.

Moschus – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female when increased sexual desire

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when sexual desire is increased in females. Menses too early, too profuse, with disposition to faint. Sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in parts. Drawing and pushing in the direction of the genitals and sensation as if menses appear.

Calcarea Carbonicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female when not satisfied after intercourse

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when they not satisfied after incourse. Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire; easy conception. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses. It is also very useful remedy when there is mental excitement but not physical.

Nux Vomica – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female when sexual appetite due to alcoholic excesses

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is sexual appetite due to alcoholic excesses.

Asterias Rubens – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female when excitement of sexual instinct with nervous agitation.

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is excitement of sexual instinct with nervous agitation.

Hyosoyamus Niger – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female in case of lascivious mania

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is excited sexual desire. During menses, convulsive movements, urinary flux and sweat. Lochia suppressed. Spasms of pregnant women. Puerperal mania. Lascivious mania.

Stramonium – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in female during menstrual flow

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is metrorrhagia with loquacity, singing, praying. Puerperal mania, with characteristic of mental symptoms and profuse sweatings. Convulsions after labor.

Kali Phosphoricum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in case of sexual excitment in virgin girls

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is Intense sexual desire for four or five days after menses in virgin girls.

Gratiola – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in case of self-masturbation

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is habbit of self-masturbation in female. Menses too profuse, premature, and too long. Leucorrhœa.

Origanum – Another natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in females in case of self-masturbation

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is self-masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses. Frotomania
which is powerful lascivious impulses; leucorrhœa; hysteria. Lascivious ideas and dreams.

Murex – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in females when easily excited by touch of body parts

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania when there is violent excitement in sexual organs, and excessive desire for embrace. Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement.

Phosphorus – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder in widows

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania in widows when there is brain or nervous disorders.

Natrum Carbonicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for compulsive sexual disorder when semen skips vagina after intercourswe

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited in the case of Compulsive Sexual Disorder / nymphomania in widows when semen skips vagina after intercourse. There is induration of cervix. Pudenda sore. Bearing-down sensation. Heaviness; worse, sitting; better by moving. Menses late, scanty like meat-washing. Leucorrheal discharge, offensive, irritating preceded by colic.

स्त्रियों में सेक्स की अत्यधिक इच्छा को कम करने का होम्योपैथिक उपचार Compulsive Sexual Disorder Female

स्त्रियों में सेक्स की अत्यधिक इच्छा को कम करने का होम्योपैथिक उपचार Compulsive Sexual Disorder Female

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अस्वीकरण: इस वीडियो की सभी जानकारी केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्य के लिए है और पेशेवर चिकित्सा उपचार के लिए कदापि नहीं है।

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Pritam Kothari

Dr.Umang Khanna is really very knowledgeable and very soft spoken.I like the way he explains the causes of disease and how there is different medicine as per different symptoms.

Rohini Desai

Good behaviour and very good treatment…

Saima Khan

Changes for the Better.

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