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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Computer vision syndrome refers to a group of symptoms you have when using computers or other digital devices for long periods of time. It’s also called digital eye strain. You might have eye irritation, blurry vision and headaches, among other symptoms. These symptoms are usually temporary, but they can disrupt your work day or normal routine. Computer vision syndrome isn’t serious, but it’s uncomfortable. Treatment can help manage your symptoms. Over the long term, though, recurrent symptoms can take a toll on your work productivity or prevent you from doing things you enjoy. That’s why it’s important to learn what puts you at risk and how you can prevent or manage this common problem.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in cases to manage complaint of eye strain and tired eyes in cases of computer vision syndrome. Aching is felt in the eyes along with eye strain. Objects seem dim with dullness/weakness of sight. Vision gets blurred. Irritation is felt in eyes with watering. Pressure is also felt deep in the eyes. Burning sensation in eyes is also experienced. Headaches are frequently experienced from eye strain in cases requiring this remedy.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in cases to managing neck pain. The neck feels very painful and stiff. The pain extends to shoulders from the neck. Pain is also felt between shoulder-blades and scapulae. The pain and stiffness get worse at rest while movement of the neck gives relief. Warmth also helps to relieve the pain.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in cases for managing neck pain. Neck also feel stiff and contracted along with pain where this remedy is indicated. Pain is excessive that worsens from even moving the hands. The neck also feels sensitive to touch. Neck muscles also feel sore.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome when the neck is extremely stiff. With this head is drawn to one side. The neck is also painful. The pain and stiffness may extend over the whole head where this remedy is needed. The pain can get worse from turning your neck. It may also increase from bending head backward.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in cases to manage dry, red eyes. The eyes are congested and dry. A feeling of sand being present in the eyes is felt. Pressive pain deep in the eyes may be felt that gets worse by movement and by light. Double vision may also be complained of. Heat and burning in the eyes may be felt. Sometimes itching and smarting in the eye is felt. this remedy also helps to manage headaches in case of computer vision syndrome.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in case of headaches. For using this remedy the nature of pain in head varies from case to case. It may be beating and throbbing type. In some cases, it feels like little hammers knocking in the head while in some cases bursting sensation in the head is felt. Dull, heavy pain in the head may be there in a few cases. The forehead mostly feels tensed with the sensation of weight over it. Along with this strain and aching pain is felt in the eyes. Eyes also get red. Vision feels dim, and in some cases, double vision may also be present.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome with blurred vision. Objects in the line of vision seem mixed and double-vision may appear in some cases. Along with this, dull pain over the eyes is felt. The eyes feel weak and a drawing sensation in the eyes may be present. The eyes may also water excessively.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in cases of double vision. The double vision is most felt when looking sideways. Dimness of sight attends. Along with this heaviness of the eyes is prominent. Eyes feel sore with aching pains. Redness of the eyes along with watering is also noted with the above symptoms.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome in cases to manage irritation and burning in the eyes in cases of computer vision syndrome. Irritation and burning are attended with excessive watering from the eyes. Marked biting and smarting sensation are felt in the eyes. Sometimes a grittiness or sensation of sand is experienced in the eyes. Eyes feel dry and very itchy. Vision gets somewhat dim. Pressure and tension appear in the eyes.
This natural homeoepathic remedy is best suited for Computer / Phone Vision Syndrome which helps strengthen resistance and clear away infections, remove clouding of the lens, and aid in reducing conjunctivitis.
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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“Trust is the sole reason which bonds us to the patients far away who have never met us physically & mostly quest for better health ends here.” – Dr Umang Khanna
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.