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Menstrual Cramps / Dysmenorrhoea / Painful Menses

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Menstrual Cramps / Dysmenorrhoea / Painful MensesTop Probable Natural homeopathic remedies with symptoms

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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)


Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Many women have menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual periods. For some women, the discomfort is merely annoying. For others, menstrual cramps can be severe enough to interfere with everyday activities for a few days every month. Conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids can cause menstrual cramps. Treating the cause is key to reducing the pain. Menstrual cramps that aren’t caused by another condition tend to lessen with age and often improve after giving birth.

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Top Natural Probable Homeopathic Remedies To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps / Dysmenorrhoea / Painful Menses

Magnesium PhosphoricumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Menstrual Cramps / Dysmenorrhoea / Painful Menses

Magnesium Phosphorica is the best homeopathic pain relief medicine during periods. This medicine can be used to manage any type of pain in lower abdomen during menses like, cramping, shooting or cutting pain. There may occur relief in pain from warm applications as from a heating pad, hot water bottle over lower abdomen. Pressing the abdomen also relieves pain.

Actaea RacemosaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when irregular menses / more the flow more the pain

Cramping and pain that get worse as the flow increases, back and neck pain with muscle tension, and sharp pains like shocks that shoot upward, down the thighs, or across the pelvis, are all indications to use Natural homeopathic remedy Actaea Racemosa, also known as Cimicifuga Racemosa. The woman is likely to be nervous, enthusiastic, and talkative by nature, yet feel pessimistic and fearful when unwell.

BelladonnaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when pain occurring in lower abdomen, lower back and legs during periods

Belladonna is a herbal remedy for treating pain during periods. It is a very suitable remedy for managing pain occurring in lower abdomen, lower back and legs during periods. Cramps occur in uterus and also intense bearing down sensation is felt in the uterus. Bearing down gets worse on lying down. Bleeding during periods is bright red, profuse and hot. Headache and a heated sensation in the head usually accompanies bleeding.

BoraxNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of leucorrhoea before menses

Borax is an ideal remedy where the leucorrhoea before menses that is vaginal discharge is like the white of an egg. It is attended with a feeling as if warm water is flowing. Such a discharge is worse for two weeks between the menstrual cycle. Swelling of labia may attend it.

Platinum MetallicumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of menses too early / too profuse / dark-clotted

This remedy can be effectively used when menses too early, too profuse, dark-clotted, with spasms and painful bearing-down, chilliness, and sensitiveness of parts. Vaginismus. Nymphomania. Excessive sexual development; vaginismus. Pruritus vulvæ. Ovaritis with sterility. Abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia.

Kali CarbonicumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of lower abdominal pain

Kali Carbonicum is another medicine of great help for dealing with pain during menses. This medicine is prescribed for cutting pains in lower abdomen, back and hips. Backache is most severe and worsens by walking. The patient gets relief from backache by sitting or by applying pressure on the back. Weakness, sleepiness may also appear.

OophorinumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of vaginal itching during menses

This remedy is helpful in cases of menses appearing every 30 to 65 days which are painful and of short duration. Vulvae pruritus (Itching).

Viburnum OpulusNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when pain in hips and lower back

Viburnum Opulus is helpful when the menses are scanty and last only for a few hours. Blood is thin, light-colored and may have an offensive odor. Periods are attended with cramping uterine pains. The pain from uterus tends to radiate down the thighs. Nausea and nervous restlessness may be present with the pain. Before the menses begin, there may be bearing down or excruciating pain in the uterus, aching in the sacral region and sharp, shooting pain in the ovaries.

Conium MaculatumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of vaginal discharge with pelvic pain

Though Sepia is the main remedy for vaginal discharge with pelvic pain, but Conium is also indicated to manage this issue. Conium can be used when the discharge is white or yellow. It is attended with griping, pinching or labor like pains in abdomen. Burning in vagina is prDesent. Lower back feels weak.

Lachesis MutaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of pain at starting of menstrual flow

Women who have intense discomfort and tension before the menstrual period begins and feel much better when the flow is established may benefit from this remedy. Symptoms include a bearing-down sensation in the pelvis, flushes of heat, headache, and an inability to tolerate the touch of clothing around the waist or neck. A person who needs this remedy may feel “like a pressure cooker”: intense and passionate, needing an outlet both physically and emotionally.

Calcarea CarbonicumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of pain is felt in abdomen and back, it resembles labor-like pains

This remedy also helps treat pain during periods (dysmenorrhea). The pain is felt in abdomen and back, it resembles labor-like pains. Pain in hip bones is present, anxiety and restlessness, followed by fainting may arise in a few cases. It is also indicated for treating sterility in females. In such cases, females mostly complain of too early and too profuse menses. It also happens to be a wonderful medicine to treat itching of female genitalia. The itching is violent and attended with soreness of vulva. Burning and stitching in the genitals are also felt. This itching tends to get worse towards the evening or after going to bed. Apart from these symptoms, it is also indicated for uterine or vaginal polyps.

CollinsoniaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea along with piles

This natural homeopathic remedy is one of the best suited remedy for terrible dysmenorrhoea with haemorrhoids (piles), voilent convulsions preceded by severe pain in the region of womb. Irritation of cardiac nerves. Suppressed menses return after heart trouble is over.

Gun PowderNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of intermittent menstruation

Gun Powder is an excellent remedy for painful and scanty menses. It is useful when menses flow stops and restarts.

Pulsatilla PertussisNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of delayed or suppressed menstrual flow accompanied by nausea or faintness

Delayed or suppressed menstrual flow accompanied by nausea or faintness suggests the use of this remedy. Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room make things worse. Cramping pain with a bearing-down feeling, either with scanty flow or thick, dark, clotted discharge, can also occur—symptoms that are changeable often point to Pulsatilla. The woman’s moods are changeable as well, and a desire for attention and sympathy, along with a sensitive (even tearful) emotional state are typical. This remedy is indicated during many conditions involving hormonal changes and is often helpful to girls who have recently started having periods.

SepiaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of bearing down sensation of uterus during menses

Sepia is a natural cure for irregular menses causing scanty periods. In cases needing Sepia, the menses may be too early or too late, but the menstrual flow is always scanty. A bearing down pain in the pelvis may be marked. Abdominal distress, pain in the back and constipation may precede the menses. Acne on the face before menses may also be present. A feeling of sadness along with a persistent headache may appear during menses. It is well indicated for cases of infertility in women who have scanty and irregular periods.

Nux VomicaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of constipation during menses

This remedy may be indicated when a woman has irregular menstrual periods with constricting pains that can extend to the rectum or the area above the tailbone. The woman tends to be impatient, irritable, and easily offended. Chilliness and constipation are also common. Mental strain, anger, physical exertion, stimulants, strong foods, and alcohol are likely to make things worse. Warmth and rest often help.

Ferrum PhosphoricumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of painful menses accompanied by indigestion and vomiting

Ferrum Phos is a highly valuable medicine to manage painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). The most characteristic feature is painful menses accompanied by indigestion and vomiting. There is bearing down pain and marked pain in the lower back. This medicine can help cases of vaginismus (involuntary muscle spasm or contraction when something is trying to enter the vagina) as well. It can effectively deal with cases of pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia). There is marked heat and dryness in the vagina in the patients who need it.

Chincona OfficinalisNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when extreme weakness during menses

This medicine can rectify certain female problems. It is a principal medicine for managing heavy periods with anaemia. The menstrual bleeding is dark, with clots and periods may come early. It is attended with pain and abdomen distension may be present too. After menses excessive weakness can be felt which is magnificently relieved with this medicine. There may also occur intermenstrual bleeding of dark blood. It is also of great value to help cases of vaginal discharge. It is typically indicated for blood stained vaginal discharge. It is accompanied with pain and bearing down in vulva. 

Lapis AlbusNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when pain during menses leading to unconsciousness

This homeopathis remedy is very effective remedy for dysmenorrhoea in case of menstrual pain so severe that she would fall unconscious. Relieved as the flow starts. Dark clots and black lumps of blood on first day. Pain between shoulder blades. Headache. Likes to be ooy of doors.

IpecacuanhaNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea along with nausea and vomiting

Ipecacuanha is the top-ranked natural remedy for painful periods with nausea and vomiting. There is persistent nausea during periods with pain in the lower abdomen. Cutting type of pain is felt in uterus, pain going from left to right side. The bleeding is heavy and bright red in color during periods.

Lobelia InflataNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when pain all over the body during menses

This natural homeopathic remedy is very useful in the case of dysmenorrhoea when irregular and painful menstruating. Pain all over the abdomen, especially in the ovaries. Legs have ached fearfully. Pain all over the body, faints continually. Vomiting and nausea when the menses are delayed. It has also vomiting before or after menses when the patient feels broken down and feverish. Diarrhea with menstrual irregularity.

Veratrum AlbumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea when exhaustion, chilliness, vomiting and diarrhea

Menstrual periods with a very heavy flow and cramping, along with feeling of exhaustion, chilliness, and even vomiting and diarrhea, are indications for this remedy. The periods may start too early and go on too long. Discomfort is often worse at night and also in wet, cold weather. Warm drinks, exercise, or moving the bowels may make things worse. Small meals, cold drinks, and wrapping up in warm clothes or covers will tend to bring relief.

Acidum NitricumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of urine incontinence / urge to urinate

This homeopathic remedy is effectively used for dysmenorrhoea when throbbing in nape of neck and small of back feels before menses. Menses comes too early and too profuse, blood very dark and thick, irregular, scanty, and like muddy water. Cramp-like pain in abdomen as if it would burst, very offensive urine, bruised pain in limbs during menses.

KreosotumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of leucorrhoea during menses / offensive menses / umblical pain

Kreosotum is the best medicine for vaginal discharge with violent itching in genitals. The vaginal discharge is yellow leaving a yellow stain on the linen. The discharge is very foul smelling. The condition gets worse between periods. Standing and walking makes the discharge worse and the patient feels better while sitting or lying down. Intense pain is felt during intercourse. Pain is also felt while urinating. This remedy is highly recommended for vaginitis cases.

Carbo AnimalisNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of bulky uterus / uterus enlargement

Carbo Animalis is best suited in the case of dysmenorrhoea when there is painful menses with enlargement and induration of the uterus, deranged menses, severe pain in the back which extends to the hip. Constipation.

Argentum NitricumNatural homoeopathic remedy for Dysmenorrhoea in case of bloody discharge from different organelles

Argentum Nitricum is best natural remedy for dysmenorrhoea when there is painful menstruation with profuse bleeding not only from uterus but also from nose, chest, mouth, etc.

पीरियड के दर्द || Menstrual Cramps / Dysmenorrhoea / Painful menses || Homeopathic remedies with symptoms

पीरियड के दर्द | Menstrual Cramps / Dysmenorrhoea / Painful Menses

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Good behaviour and very good treatment…

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Changes for the Better.

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