304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

The Healer

The Healer – Dr Umang Khanna

Changes for the Better.

Dr. Umang Khanna through ” research based homeopathy ” has transformed the findings of a genius Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann father of Homeopathy to act better in the changing times thereby providing relief to the millions.

Spreading knowledge through Social Media handles

As Social media is the most effective instument to empwer a common man with knoledge & information Dr Umang is constantly posting videos with serious discussions on various ailments.

Healer Dr Umang Khanna


My Idea Is To Empower You with Knowledge ..

We invite you to join our social media platforms which are to empower you with knowledge to help the needy who are in pain.


Join the network of 16 lakh plus followers with over 1000 videos. A community information sharing.


Subscribed by over 1 million subscribers this channel is empowering millions with knowledge.

Linked in

A forum for ideas, vision, better health and easy flow of information among private sector, constantly under stress.


A visual treat of various health related posts guiding you to utilize the best of time / money for everlasting wellness.


Join us to follow all the events hosted or participated by Dr Umang Khanna and to get inspired by ideas.


Join us on Twitter and get updates in real time about the activites, change in schedule of the clinic.

Dr Umang Khanna

The Healer – Dr Umang Khanna

ions India from 2017. We Value Our Relationship With Patients.

God has given us an opportunity to help others where and when it matters most. We take this as our previlige and honour to help the person in need throuh whatever little knowledge we have.
God is kind !

Let’s Move Forward

This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.