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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Anger is one of the basic human emotions, as elemental as happiness, sadness, anxiety, or disgust. These emotions are tied to basic survival and were honed throughout human history. Anger is related to the “fight, flight, or freeze” response of the sympathetic nervous system; it prepares humans to fight. But fighting doesn’t necessarily mean throwing punches. It might motivate communities to combat injustice by changing laws or enforcing new norms. Of course, anger too easily or frequently mobilized can undermine relationships or damage physical health in the long term. Prolonged release of the stress hormones that accompany anger can destroy neurons in areas of the brain associated with judgment and short-term memory, and weaken the immune system. For those who struggle with chronic anger, or for those who only experience occasional outbursts, learning skills to identify and navigate this powerful emotion can lead to growth and change.
Nux vomica is very effective for anger control and management. It is the best remedy for persons who get offended easily and will become angry over non-issues. They are averse to conversation and could be offended by the most harmless words. They turn violent and abusive during anger episodes. Other features of their constitution include a strong will, fault-finding nature, ambition, and workaholism. Nux Vomica is also recommended for persons who develop an angry disposition after a loss in business.
Kali iod helps when the patient has a very strong degree of irritability, cruelty, and harshness of temper with his family his children, and others.
Merc sol acts best when the patient has a very strong degree of irritability, cruelty, and harshness of temper with his family his children, and others.
Staphisagria is for anger’s bad effects. Speechless from suppressed indignation; trembles from head to foot, loss of sleep. Cannot control himself. The least action or word annoys his feelings. Easily aroused to anger but seldom manifests it.
Iodum is for anger or its bad effects especially loss of weight with heated body.
Aurum Metallicum is very effective in cases when patients are sensitive to contradiction which leads to a sudden, explosive outburst from them. In addition to this, such persons may be melancholic, suffer a lack of self-worth, and a very low self-esteem. Hopelessness and self-reproaching behavior is also observed. This remedy is also the best among Homeopathic medicines for anger linked with chronic depression.
Nux Moschata is useful for the symptoms like changeable; laughing and crying. Confused, impaired memory. Bewildered sense, as in a dream. The pregnant woman thinks she has two heads. Uterine hemorrhage. Menses are too long, dark, and thick. Leucorrhea is muddy and bloody. Suppression, with persistent fainting attacks and sleepiness. The variableness of menstruation irregularity of time and quantity.
Tarentula Hispanica is best in cases where anger is associated with destructive behavior. The major symptom that comes with the patient is a tendency to throw things when angry. Such persons tend to strike themselves or others. Other symptoms are impatience, obstinacy and high levels of irritability are other traits to look out for in persons for whom this remedy will be the most suitable choice among Homeopathic medicines for anger. Such people may be impulsive, lack emotional control, and be excessively restless as well.
Chamomilla is for anger when it is seen in children. The child who needs this remedy is very irritable and loses temper easily. The child may also be obstinate, fretful, and restless. In such cases, the children want many things at the same time and get cross and angry if their demands are not met. They get snappish when angry and will not talk civilly.
Hepar Sulphur helps patients who are quarrelsome, and hard to get along with, nothing pleases over sensitiveness to persons whose presence disturbs him and to places. Desires constant change of persons, things, and surroundings but these changes again displease him and make him irritable.
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.