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Loss of Smell / Anosmia

सुगन्ध / दुर्गन्ध न मह्सूस होना

Loss of Smell / AnosmiaTop Probable Natural homeopathic remedies with symptoms

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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)


Anosmia is the inability to smell. Some people have trusted Source anosmia from birth, whereas others lose their ability to smell over time. Experts suggest that anosmia and hyposmia affect about 3–20% of the population. Hyposmia is a decreased ability to smell. Sometimes people call anosmia smell blindness. The condition may be permanent or temporary.
Smell is a complex process that involves trusted Source communication between the brain and nose. When a person sniffs an odor, air travels into the nose, and the odor molecules attach to receptors on the nerve that sense smell, called the olfactory nerve. These nerves line the olfactory epithelium, which is the tissue lining the nasal cavity. When odor molecules from the environment stimulate these nerves, they transmit signals to the brain. The brain receives the olfactory information and processes it into a scent that a person can identify.

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Top Natural Probable Homeopathic Remedies To Get Rid Of Anosmia / Loss of Smell

Kali Iodatum – Best Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell along with crawling sensation at the root of nose

Kali iod is drug of choice when the tip of the nose is red & swollen and has profuse, acrid, hot, watery, thin discharge. Other symptoms are ozena, with the perforated septum, sneezing, nasal catarrh, involving the frontal sinus, stuffiness, and dryness of the nose, without discharge. Profuse, cool, greenish, and unirritating discharges are the symptoms also indicated by this remedy.

Silicea – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell along with frequent cold and masal catarhh

Silicea is well-indicated for anosmia where the person suffers from chronic/frequent colds. The people needing this remedy have a history of yellowish, chronic, offensive, fetid nasal discharges before loss of smell. Along with these, other symptoms are loss of smell including a burning sensation in nostrils, dryness in nostrils, and the presence of hard crusts in the nostrils. In some cases, soreness and itching in the nostrils may also be present.

Kali Bichromium – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell along with sinusitis

Kalibrom is for anosmia for anosmia that is linked with sinusitis. The main symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy include constant stuffiness in the nose, stringy/sticky nasal discharge, and fullness at the root of the nose. A sinus headache also appears along with nasal symptoms. Along with these, other symptoms include a tickling sensation in the nostrils and postnasal discharge of mucus.

Acidum Benzoicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell in the case of concentrated urination

Acidum benz is the most effective remedy when the sense of smell diminishes. This remedy is useful for the perversion of smell. Along with this, Highly concentrated urine with an offensive smell is the symptom also indicated by this remedy.

Natrum Muriaticum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell along with nasal membrane dryness / crawling sensation

Natrum mur helps where there are nasal allergies present. This remedy can be used in case of loss of smell along with other nasal discharges and dryness in the nostrils. In a few cases, nasal discharges (that look like egg white) may be present. Other features include nose blockage that makes breathing difficult, and violent sneezing (especially during the morning). A very specific squirming sensation of a worm crawling in nostrils may be present with the symptoms mentioned.

Cuprum Metallicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell in case of frontal sinusitis

Cuprum mett is very effective in the case of catarrh of frontal sinuses and the sensation of violent congestion of blood to the nose.

Lemna Minor – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell nasal polyps

Lemna minor is indicated for anosmia in cases of nasal polyps. Patients requiring this remedy experience loss of smell, obstruction in nostrils, and frequent sneezing attacks. The other symptoms include a thick, viscid, or excessive purulent / pus-like discharge from the nose. The nasal symptoms tend to get worse in damp surroundings and rainy weather.

Mezereum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell with dryness of nose

Mezereum is beneficial for patients who face symptoms like diminishing smell with dryness of the nose. Along with these, other symptoms like sneezing, coryza, the interior of the nose, and excoriated and post-nasal adenoids are well indicated by this remedy.

Pulsatilla Nigra – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell along with loss of taste

Pulsatilla is indicated for anosmia where pateint is attended with loss of taste. In some cases, the patient may experience loss of appetite. Other symptoms include thick greenish nasal discharges and sneezing, especially during sleep. The symptoms tend to worsen indoors and are better in the open air. In some cases, itching in the nostrils during the evening time may also be present. Stoppage of the nose in the evening while going to bed is another symptom that may be noted.

Aurum Metallicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell in case of daviated nasal septum

Aurum mett works well when patients have a loss of smell due to deformity in the nose on account of latent syphilis, chronic catarrh, ulcerated, painful, swollen, obstructed, and Inflammation of the nose that caries fetid discharge that is purulent, bloody. The patient has boring pains in the nose that are worse at night. They have a putrid smell from the nose and a sensitive smell. Other symptoms indicated by this remedy are a horrible odor from the nose and mouth, the knobby tip of the nose, foul breath in girls at puberty, taste putrid or bitter, and ulceration of gums.

Alumina – Natural homoeopathic remedy for anosmia / loss of smell when skin cracked at the tip of nose

Alumina is well indicated in the case of a sense of smell diminished and fluent coryza. Another symptom is the point of the nose cracked well indicated by this remedy. Other symptoms that indicated this remedy are red and sore nostrils, worse by touch, and scabs with thick yellow mucus.

सुगन्ध / दुर्गन्ध न मह्सूस होना | Loss of Smell || Anosmia | Natural homeopathic remedies & symptoms

सुगन्ध / दुर्गन्ध न मह्सूस होना | Loss of Smell || Anosmia

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Pritam Kothari

Dr.Umang Khanna is really very knowledgeable and very soft spoken.I like the way he explains the causes of disease and how there is different medicine as per different symptoms.

Rohini Desai

Good behaviour and very good treatment…

Saima Khan

Changes for the Better.

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