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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Tongue cancer is a type of cancer that starts as a growth of cells on the tongue. The tongue begins in the throat and extends into the mouth. It’s made up of muscles and nerves that help with movement and function, such as taste. The tongue aids in speaking, eating and swallowing. Tongue cancer that starts in the mouth is different from tongue cancer that starts in the throat. In the mouth, tongue cancer is called oral tongue cancer. Tongue cancer in the mouth can cause symptoms right away. A doctor, dentist or other member of your health care team might notice it first because this part of the tongue is easily seen and examined.
This natural homeopathic remedy is most effectively used that can be given to start the treatment of tongue cancer. This remedy is used in preference to Carcinosin when the affected gland, lump, or tumor is stony hard-especially in cancers of the lungs, liver, breast, rectum, and prostate-and sometimes in cancers of the uterus or leukemia. One can also switch to Scirrhinum if the patient is not responding sufficiently well to Carcinosin or if, during the course of treatment, a hardness of a tumor or affected organ is discovered or liver involvement becomes prominent.
This natural homeopathic remedy that can be given to start the treatment of tongue cancer, which can be taken after 24 hours from Scirrhinum.
This natural homeopathic remedy that can be given to start the treatment of tongue cancer, which can be taken after 12 hours from Psorinum.
This natural homeopathic remedy that can be given to start the treatment of tongue cancer, which can be taken after 12 hours from Medorrhinum.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when tongue dry and black with burning pain in the evening. Sore feeling, stitches worse at the tip of the tongue. Tendency to induration whenever inflammatious occur.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue as if a hole has been bored through the center of the swollen tongue with elevated and indurated margins. Cancer of the tongue with severe bleeding is another symptom that well indicate this remedy.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue patient have tumors, indurations, scirrhus or open cancers, with stinging burning pain. Patient needing this remedy have dry tongue, swollen, inflammed with inability to swallow, cracked, sore, ulceerated or covered with vesicels.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when tongue is bluish or white, ulcerated with blue colour. When the subjective symptoms are present it will cure in higher potencies. When the homeopathicity is more crude, the lower potencies will be required: in this case this remedy appears to act directly on the cancerous tissues and cancerous elements in the system.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when show imprints of teeth and fissures towards edges.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when painful cracks in corner of mouth. Painful pustules on upper surface or on right side of tip of tongue.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when metallic taste in the mouth, tongue slightly coated like brownish fur. Loss of taste, melancholy. Bitter taste in the mouth, sensation of dryness, loss of taste, tongue hard as leather and immovable. aggravation from sunset to sunrise. Suicidal tendency. Constitution broken down by the influence of syphhilis and/or mercury.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when colour of tongue becomes blue. Urine strong smelling and highly coloured. Tongue spongy on surface with deep cracks and with spreading ulcers. Ulcerated tumor on left side of the mouth, on soft commissure of jaws, behind last molar.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when cracked and fissured tongue. Inflammation of the tongue after abuse of mercury. White coated tongue, dirty and nasty taste. Tongue, lips and hands become white and cold. Pain beneath the tongue when swallowing on left side behind thyroidbone:swelling of sublingual glands. Tongue pushed upwards and to left by a globular semi-transparent, fluctuating tumor, size of a pigeon egg. Ranula. Cancer or syphilitic tubercle of tongue, abscess, crack or fissure of tongue. Semilateral swelling of the tongue.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when burning on tip of the tongue, and rawness in mouth. Burning blisters on tips and edges of tongue. Dryness of palate and tongue. Induration of tongue. Glands knotty, indurated, swollen, inflammed with lancinating cutting or burning pains. Scirrhus indurations. Polypus and carcinoma.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when putrid discharges. Ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks. Burning sensation in mouth to stomach.
This natural homeopathic remedy is basically used for cancer of tongue when speech difficulty, distortion of tongue and mouth. Tongue and lips dry and sticky. Tongue stiff, swollen and painful. Swelling and induration od glands, with tingling and stitches, after contusions and bruises. Bleeding of ulcers, with secretion of fetid ichor; a portion becomes gangrenous; concealed cancer of bones; cacerious swelling and induration of glands: cancer of lips spreading ulcers on face; cancer and cancerous ulcers after contusions, burning stitches; stinging in affected parts.
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.