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Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus

मधुमेह का मैनेजमेंट

Diabetes MellitusTop Probable Natural homeopathic remedies with symptoms

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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)


Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is an important source of energy for the cells that make up the muscles and tissues. It’s also the brain’s main source of fuel. The main cause of diabetes varies by type. But no matter what type of diabetes you have, it can lead to excess sugar in the blood. Too much sugar in the blood can lead to serious health problems. Chronic diabetes conditions include type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Potentially reversible diabetes conditions include prediabetes and gestational diabetes. Prediabetes happens when blood sugar levels are higher than normal. But the blood sugar levels aren’t high enough to be called diabetes. And prediabetes can lead to diabetes unless steps are taken to prevent it. Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy. But it may go away after the baby is born.

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Top Natural Probable Homeopathic Remedies To Get Rid Of Diabetes Mellitus

Chionanthus Virginicus – Best Natural homoeopathic remedy for pre-diabetic state

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for pre-diabetic state and diabetes in patients suffering from liver disease, great thirst, abundant dark urine with presence of biliary pigments and glucose. Insulin resistant. It is also useful when there is large amount of dark coloured urine of high specific gravity, contains bile and sugar along with headache / constipation.

Arsenic Album – Excellent Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus

This natural homeopathic remedy is an excellent remedy but most neglected by the profession in treating diabetes. It has dry brittle scaly skin, dryness of the mouth, tongue and trachea with unquenchable thirst, loss of appetite and constipation. burning sensation in abdomen extending to the mouth. the patient dwindles down to a mere skeleton. He losses strength and sometime his teeth. The patient is fastidious, wants his clothing neat and clean, wants everything placed in proper place.

Ratahnia – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with scanty urine

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetes with scanty urine.

Abroma Augusta – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with continuous weight loss

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus in those patients who are losing flesh and suffer from extreme weakness. The patients who can greatly benefit from this Homeopathic remedy have an increased thirst with dryness of mouth. They also have an increased appetite and the urination is very frequent day and night. Excessive weakness is felt after urination. It is also of great help in treating sleeplessness in a person with Diabetes. Another sphere in which this Homeopathic remedy yields good results is skin complaints like boils and carbuncles in a diabetic patient. Burning sensation in the whole body is a prominent general symptom that can be found in persons requiring it.

Carbo Vegetabilis – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with dryness of mouth

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus in those patients who have great dryness in mouth in early morning, excessive thirst and hunger, pain in the liver as if bruised. Sudden weakness and fainting, physical depression and lassitude.

Phosphorus – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with weakness of vision

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus when weakness of vision in a diabetic patient. It is also used in diabetes and pancreatic diseases especially in those of tubercular or gouty diathesis. Restlessness and dryness of mouth. Quantity of urine passed is about 4 to 5 pints in 24 hours. Thirst for cold water.

Arsenicum Bromatum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with constipation

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus with constipation and thirst. Excessive hunger and thirst due to lack of sugar in the body may be cured by Arsenicum Bromatum.

Syzygium Jambolanum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with excessive urination

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus considered to be very efficacious in diabetes and in blood sugar. Great thirst and passing of urine in large quantities. It is specific.

Taraxacum Officinale – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus when feeling urination all the time / urine incontinence

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus with urging to urinate. Copious discharge of urine. Patient have feeling to urinate all the time. Urine incontinence is majorly indicated this remedy.

Acidum Phosphoricum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with extreme weakness

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus with extreme weakness, either mental or physical, in a diabetic patient. Such patients feel exhausted all the time. They have a weak memory and are forgetful. Some sort of history of grief may be found in patients requiring this Homeopathic medicine. For numbness of feet in patients of Diabetes Mellitus, it is best remedy.

Acidum Aceticum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with burning micturition (UTI)

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus with copious watery urine along with complaints of intense thirst; great prostration and emaciation; skin dry, pale and waxy; dropsy with thirst; oedema of legs and feet and burning micturition (UTI).

Argentum Metallicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with swelling of ankles

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes Mellitus if accompanied with swollen ankles. Apart from it, this remedy is also useful in frequent and profuse urination; may be passed unconsciously, day and night, dribbling of urine, urine may or may not contain sugar.

Lycopodium Clavatum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus in case of kidney damage / nephropathy

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetic nephropathy. Urine scanty, cries before urinating, red sand in urine, must strain, suppressed or retained. Urine milky and turbid. Sometimes haematuria . Urine is burning and hot. The right kidney is mainly affected. The patient experiences impotency.The patient likes warm food and drink, also there is intense craving for sweets.

Aalserum 7x – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus when increased level of serum creatinine / albuminaria

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetic mellitus in complaints of Albuminuria and hence helps in arresting it at the same time. It helps in Difficult urination, difficulty while breathing. Aalserum is useful in cardiac complaints without swelling on the body. Complaints of kidney associated with heart after an attack of infection, cold or intoxication is checked well with Aalserum. Aalserum is useful in Nephrotic Syndrome, nephritis.

Moschus – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus when impotency (sexual weakness)

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetic mellitus associated with impotency. There is violent desire in men; involuntary emissions. Impotence, associated with diabetes. Premature senility. Nausea and vomiting after coition.

Hypericum Perforatum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with neuropathy

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for Diabetes with Neuropathy when crawling in hands and feet. Sharp pain in upper and lower limbs. Tingling, numbness, and burning.

Secale Cornutum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with foot ulcers

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited to deal with ulcers in diabetic patients. Diabetic gangrene; dry gangrene of toe; dusky blue tinge; skin feels cold to touch yet covering not tolerated; warmth aggravation.

Natrum Sulphuricum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with hydrogenoid constitution

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetic mellitus in case of hydrogenoid constitution. Complaints from living in damp houses, basements, cellers etc. Diabetes from mental worry, mental over work, and sexual excesses.

Pancreatinum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with hyperacidity

This natural homeopathic remedy is clinically indicated in diabetes and pancreatic disorders along with hyperacidity. It is given in case of diarrhea and gout. It is mainly indicated in glandular affections especially the pancreas and salivary glands causing diabetes and mumps. This remedy has been used with success in conditions due to faulty action of pancreas.

Ginkgo Biloba – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus along with weakness of memory

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetes. It prevents diabetic nephropathy through the suppression of tissue transglutaminase. It can slow or prevent age-related memory problems, or memory loss associated with mild cognitive impairment or alzheimer’s disease.

Sulphur – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus to deal with neuropathy or nerve problems

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for diabetes to deal with neuropathy or nerve problems. It is useful to deal with the problem of numbness in feet and hands.

Cephalandra Indica – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus in cases to treat blood urea and to maintain blood sugar

This natural homeopathic remedy is mainly used for the treatment of diabetes. It effectively treats blood urea and helps in maintaining blood sugar level. Patients suffering from adverse effects of diabetic symptoms can use this to gain relief.

Uranicum Nitricum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with emaciation

This natural homeopathic remedy is used for the treatment of diabetes with weakness and losing flesh. Profuse urination and emaciation. Acid in urine. Incontinence, unable to retain urine. Excessive thirst. Diarrhoea. It addresses diabetes-related urination issues, blood sugar levels, and associated conditions, under medical guidance and holistic approach.

Rhus Aromatica – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with renal and urinary infection

This natural homeopathic remedy is used for the treatment of diabetes with renal and urinary infection such as diabetes and involuntary urination. Others that fall within the range of this remedy are infection in the bladder and bacteria in the urine. Urine – The remedy covers pale, thick urine, acute pain in the beginning and before the urination escalating the pain, constant flow of small drops and then large quantities of urine, which are the symptoms of increased blood sugar. It is reported to help in managing the blood sugar level.

Glycerine – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with renal and urinary infection

This natural homeopathic remedy is used for the treatment of diabetes with weakness, headache, urinary infection, profuse and frequent urination. Sugar in urine with acetone. With or without albumin or casts and with or without rheumatism.

Iris Versicolor – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with calculi / inflammation / tumour of pancreas

This natural homeopathic remedy is used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus with calculi / inflammation / tumour of pancreas. There is a burning distress in the region of the pancreas. The burning is so marked that even consuming cold water does not offer relief. Along with these features, there may be abdominal colic that gets better by bending forward.

Vanadium – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with degeneration of brain cells and blood vessels

This natural homeopathic remedy is used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. It regulates blood sugar levels that helps in prevention of diabetes and it can also be used to improve cardiovascular system. It reduces high cholesterol levels and improves supply of oxygen and important nutrients to the heart. Issues associated with tuberculosis and anaemia is treated well with the use of Vanadium Metallicum.

Lac Defloratum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for diabetes mellitus with during pregnancy with excessive urination

One highly favored solution for managing diabetes mellitus during pregnancy is Lac Defloratum, a homeopathic remedy made from skimmed milk. This remedy effectively controls excessive urination by balancing blood sugar levels. With its gentle and all-encompassing approach, it has become a go-to option for expectant individuals seeking a safe and efficient means of managing their diabetes.

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मधुमेह का मैनेजमेंट || Diabetes Mellitus

This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.

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Legal Disclaimer - None of the remedies mentioned including services, mentioned at should be used without clearance (written medical prescription) from your physician or health care provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. अस्वीकरण: इस वीडियो की सभी जानकारी केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्य के लिए है और पेशेवर चिकित्सा उपचार के लिए कदापि नहीं है।

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Pritam Kothari

Dr.Umang Khanna is really very knowledgeable and very soft spoken.I like the way he explains the causes of disease and how there is different medicine as per different symptoms.

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Good behaviour and very good treatment…

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Changes for the Better.

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