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Cyst Ovarian

Cyst Ovarian

ओवेरियन सिस्ट / ओवरी में गाँठ

Cyst OvarianTop Probable Natural homeopathic remedies with symptoms

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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)


Ovarian cysts are sacs, usually filled with fluid, in an ovary or on its surface. Females have two ovaries. One ovary is located on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. Eggs develop and mature in the ovaries. Eggs are released in monthly cycles during the childbearing years. Ovarian cysts are common. Most of the time, you have little or no discomfort, and the cysts are harmless. Most cysts go away without treatment within a few months. But sometimes ovarian cysts can become twisted or burst open (rupture). This can cause serious symptoms. To protect your health, get regular pelvic exams and know the symptoms that can signal what might be a serious problem.

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Top Natural Probable Homeopathic Remedies To Get Rid Of Ovarian Cyst

Apis Mellifica – Best Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst, especially right ovary. There is soreness and stinging pain with ovaritis. The ovaries numb or congested with suppressed menses. Menses painful with scanty discharge of slimy blood with or with ovarian pain with numbness down the thigh. The woman have a bearing down feeling as if menses were to appear.

Lachesis – Natural homoeopathic remedy for left sided ovarian cyst

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst, especially left ovary. There is pain in the ovary which is better from a discharge from the uterus. The pain the left ovary extends to the right one. There is uterine and ovarian pain, all relieved by the flow. The patient is highly sensitive, cannot tolerated the touch of clothes around waist. Such person is nervous and talkative.

Lycopodium Clavatum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for right sided ovarian cyst

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst, affective for right sided ovarian cyst. There is cutting pain from right ovary to left. Menses of clots and sereum. The woman complaints of flatulence and weak digestion. There is a special craving for hot food and drinks and sweets.

Fraxinus Americanas – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst with painful menses

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst. Apart from irregular period with pain, it is also followed by breaking down spells. One experiences cramps in the feet during this type of cyst. In such conditions, the best natural homeopathic therapy that can be administered is Fraxinus Americana.

Zincum Metallicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when pain extending upto legs

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst in the case of painful affections of the ovaries. Pain shoots down from the limbs to the feet.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when scanty menses

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst with scanty menstrual bleeding. A tendency of delayed menstruation, menstrual colic, chilliness, vomiting, heavy pressure in the abdomen and lower back, a pressure in the bladder and rectum are the symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy.

Sabina – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when profuse menses

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst with heavy menstrual bleeding. Menses too profuse, too early, gushing of hot watery, bright blood mixed with dark clots. Dysmenorrhea, pain better lying on flat on the back with limbs extended.  Bleeding worse from least motion. Uterine pain extends into thighs. Pain from sacrum to pubis and from below upwards. Shooting pain up the vagina. Bleeding between periods with sexual excitement.

Platinum Metallicum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when parts hypersensitive

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst when parts hypersensitive. Tingling internally and externally. Ovaries sensitive and burn. Menses too early, too profuse, dark-clotted, with spasms and painful bearing-down, chilliness, and sensitiveness of parts.

Sepia Succus – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when irregular menses

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst with irregular menstruation. The periods may be early or late, scanty or profuse, or of long or short duration. A bearing down sensation in the pelvis, soreness, fullness, pressure, distension, and pain in the pelvic region with a frequent urge to urinate are the symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy.

Conium Maculatum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when inflammation of ovaries

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst when there is chronic ovaritis with lancinating pain. Soreness and swelling of breast before menses.

Kali Iodatum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when burning sensation in lower abdomen

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst that has severe burning, tearing and twitching pains in the ovarian region, especially right side. Sensation of congestion and swelling of the ovaries, with pain as from corrosive tumor there. Affections connected with syphilis.

Lac Caninum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when heat sensation in lower abdomen

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst when heat in the ovarian and uterine region. Inflammatory and congestive condition of the ovaries before menses; specially of the right ovary, with extreme soreness and sensitiveness. Pain makes patient every motion and position, even breath painful. Wants to lie with her knees to her chin.

Lilium Tigrinum – Natural homoeopathic remedy for ovarian cyst when burning sensation in lower abdomen extending upto stomach

This natural homeopathic remedy is best suited for ovarian cyst in case of ovarian neuralgia along with burning pains from ovary up in to abdomen and down in to thighs. Shooting pain from left ovary across the pubes or up to the mammary gland.

ओवेरियन सिस्ट / ओवरी में गाँठ || Cyst Ovarian || Natural Homeopathic remedies || होम्योपैथिक उपचार

ओवेरियन सिस्ट / ओवरी में गाँठ || Cyst Ovarian

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Trust is the sole reason which bonds us to the patients far away who have never met us physically & mostly quest for better health ends here.” – Dr Umang Khanna

One of the most considerate and Best Homeopathic Doctors i have ever come across.

Nikhil Nath Pandey

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Rajan Sharma

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Kishor Jadavani

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Dr. Khanna… I salute …

Mannat Gulia

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Suresh Babu

I never visit this place but get a great help Dr. Umang Khanna online clinic and there advices which help me and my family in cure from various diseases. Thanks vry much to Dr. For there kind nature and help.

Pritam Kothari

Dr.Umang Khanna is really very knowledgeable and very soft spoken.I like the way he explains the causes of disease and how there is different medicine as per different symptoms.

Rohini Desai

Good behaviour and very good treatment…

Saima Khan

Changes for the Better.

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