304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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by Dr Umang Khanna (BHMS)
Ganglion cysts are lumps that most often appear along the tendons or joints of wrists or hands. They also can occur in ankles and feet. Ganglion cysts are typically round or oval and are filled with a jellylike fluid. They are not cancer. Small ganglion cysts can be pea-sized. They can change size. Ganglion cysts can be painful if they press on a nearby nerve. Sometimes they affect joint movement. For a ganglion cyst that causes problems, having a health care provider drain the cyst with a needle might be an option. So might removing the cyst surgically. But if there are no symptoms, no treatment is necessary. Often, the cysts grow and shrink. Some go away on their own.
This natural hoemoepathic remedy is best suited for Ganglionic cyst of The Wrist with swelling of the wrist. There is tearing and stitching pain. Such patient feel urine is hot, dark brown, strong foul odor of horse urine. Gouty deposits in joints.
This natural hoemoepathic remedy is best suited for Ganglionic cyst of wrist. It is considered a specific remedy for ganglion cyst. There is pain and stiffness in wrists and hands.
This natural hoemoepathic remedy is best suited for Ganglionic cyst of wrist for managing pain in the wrist in cases of ganglion cyst. The pain tend to get worse during rest. The pain also worsens by cold. In some cases bending the wrist also tend to worsen the pain. Motion relieves the pain in wrist in most cases where Rhus Tox is indicated. Wrist joint movement may also be hindered. Pain especially of drawing nature in the palm of hand may also arise. Sometimes burning sensation or numbness in the hands may also be felt along with pain. Like above medicine, Rhus Tox is also a leading medicine to treat ganglion cyst in cases where a history of injury to joint or tendons of wrist is present.
This natural hoemoepathic remedy is best suited for Ganglionic cyst of wrist for managing wrist pain in ganglion cyst. For using Rhododendron the pain in the wrist may be drawing or tearing in nature. The pain may get worse in the evening time. Rest also worsens the pain. Along with this heated sensation in the hands may be present occasionally.
This natural hoemoepathic remedy is best suited for Ganglionic cyst of wrist on the left side of the wrist. The cyst is located on the extensor surface of wrist. Pain may be felt in the wrist. The pain may be tearing or stitching in nature. There may appear numbness in the hand too. Weak and lame sensation in hand may accompany with above symptoms.
This natural hoemoepathic remedy is best suited for Ganglionic cyst of wrist where a history of injury to the wrist is present. The wrist is painful in such cases. Tearing or drawing pain in the side of the hand may be felt. The wrist may also feel powerless. There is also want of strength in the hands when trying to grasp anything
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.
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“Trust is the sole reason which bonds us to the patients far away who have never met us physically & mostly quest for better health ends here.” – Dr Umang Khanna
This clinic is not about giving medicines. This clinic is about curing with medicines rapidly, gently and permanently to the whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.